

Some examples :


Ink drawings

Size :



45 x 62,8cm, 44,8 x 62,5cm

44,9 x  62,6cm, 44,8 x 62,4cm

10-copy edition


N°55/1962 The Latium, N°222/1962 Flower market,

N°56/1962 Piazza Navona, N°212/1962 Angels' Bridge, Rome



(…) The Roman ink drawings are the result of a great economy of means and  recreate fragmentary landscapes which are placed like floating islands in the middle of nowhere.

(Süddeutsche Ztg., January 15, 1993)


(…) With their refined conception, certain Roman sketches remind one of Chinese drawings.

(Lübecker Morgen, March 13, 1964)


© K.S.Golo